Children and Young People

The Halton Safeguarding Children Partnership works to make sure that children and Young People in Halton are safe. Sometimes adults or other young people hurt children and we want to stop this happening.

Halton You Matter handbook is an easy to read guide for teenagers with straight forward advice about a range of important topics such as dealing with stress, bullying and internet safety.

What is Child Abuse?

Although growing up can be difficult, most children and young people receive the love and care they need to develop into healthy, happy young adults.

But some are harmed (hurt, neglected and used) by adults or other children. Younger children may not be aware that what is happening to them is abuse.

Abuse can mean different things to different children, and can happen once or many times.

Physical abuse is…

…when children or young people are hurt or injured by parents or other people. Hitting, kicking, beating with objects, throwing and shaking are all physical abuse, and can cause pain, cuts, bruising, broken bones and sometimes even death.

Sexual abuse is…

…when children or young people are forced or persuaded into sexual acts or situations by others. Children might be encouraged to look at pornography, be harassed by sexual suggestions or comments, be touched sexually or forced to have sex.

Emotional abuse is…

…when children or young people are not given love, approval or acceptance. They may be constantly criticised, blamed, sworn and shouted at, told that other people are better than they are and rejected by those they look to for affection.

Neglect is…

…when parents or others looking after children or young people do not provide them with proper food, warmth, shelter, clothing, care and protection.

Child abuse sometimes causes physical injury, and often leaves emotional scars. People who have grown up being abused can feel worthless, unlovable, betrayed, powerless, confused, frightened and mistrustful of others. They might feel, wrongly, that the abuse is their fault. Talking to somebody who can be trusted can help children to feel better.

Acknowledgements: This page has been adapted from information on the Childline Web Site .

What To Do If You Are Worried About Child Abuse

Children and young people often don’t tell about abuse because they have been threatened into keeping silent or made to feel ashamed and guilty. They may be afraid of what will happen to their family, or that no-one will believe them.


  • Children and young people have a right to be safe.
  • They shouldn’t feel they have to deal with abuse on their own.
  • They should tell a person they can trust, such as a parent, teacher, relative or friend, if they are being abused in any way, even if they are worried about what might happen next.
  • It is okay for children not to keep secrets about being abused.

{mosimage}Children and young people may not be believed when they talk about abuse. This does not mean they are lying. They should try to find someone who will believe them, or phone ChildLine .

You may be visiting this site just for general information. However, if you or anyone you know who is under 18 is being abused or neglected, please pick up the ‘phone and ring the following:

You can contact Children’s Social Care in Halton on Tel: 0151 907 8305.

or outside normal office hours

You can contact our Emergency duty service on 0345 050 0148.

In an emergency, always ring 999!

Acknowledgements: This page has been adapted from information on the Childline Web Site .

Keeping Safe on the Net

Some tips for staying safe on-line:

  • Don’t give out information about yourself such as your name, your phone number, where you live or your school
  • Never give out your password
  • Never email a picture of yourself to a stranger or someone you have only met on the web
  • If someone says something to you or sends something or you see something that makes you feel uncomfortable don’t look around and explore, tell your parents
  • Don’t open up emails, files or web pages that you get from people you don’t know
  • It’s not a good idea to meet up with internet buddies, but if you do make sure that your Mum or Dad helps you to plan the meeting and that they go with you

You can find more useful information here:


If you are being bullied you can do something about it!

There is lots of help and advice around to help you. Your school should have a policy to deal with bullying and you have a right to ask a teacher for help.


Talk over what to do with a friend, your teacher, your mum, dad or someone you trust.

Childline run a free 24 hour helpline, phone them on 0800 1111 you can speak to someone who is there to help.

Childline is confidential which means they won’t tell anyone about your call unless you want them to or if you are in danger.


  • – Free confidential support with alcohol, drugs or mental health from one of their local services or online for those over 13 years old